('nicedog' artwork by Tom Attix)

Comix2 Applet

-- written by Eric C. Harshbarger while at the New Media Marketing lab at Sun Microsystems, Inc. .
There is a beautiful execution of this applet at Joel Natividad's page -- Good job
Tired of the same old 'ticker-tape' message applets which are threating to take over the Java-tized pages of the world? Here's a nifty way of getting you message across... COMIC STRIP BUBBLES.

Explanation of the HTML parameters:

The param tags are the lines which customize the applet to your needs. Following is a list of all the parameter options which are currently applicable. Note that the 'name=' of the parameter as typed into the HTML document SHOULD BE CAPITALIZED. Defaults (where described) indicate what appropriate values will be used if not explicitly given in the HTML document.


  3. URL
  4. ACTION#

FONTSIZE is simply that, the point size of the font which is used to write the words in the bubbles. FONTSIZE may not be changed once picked. Default is 14.

FONTTYPE is type of the font which is used to write the words in the bubbles. FONTTYPE may not be changed once picked. Choices include (watch case-sensitivity for values): "TimesRoman", "Courier", and more that I have not played with yet... experiment. Default is "Courier".

URL is a destination link which is activated when the applet is clicked upon. The URL value should not contain the http:// part of the web address. The default URL is this explanation page.

The ACTION# parameters start getting a little tricky. Each such parameter should be the string 'ACTION' immediately appended with a number. The first ACTION must be 0; that is, ACTION0. The next should be ACTION1, and so on. Do not skip an ACTION number. If there is a break in the sequence the applet will not jump to the next greatest. The values of the ACTION parameters are composed of arguments separated by '|'. The first argument (which should be capitalized also) relates the type of action the applet is to preform next. The choices for actions are detailed below along with the additional arguments which should accompany them. Remember that the first argument should be CAPITALIZED, but the additional ones should not be.

Check back periodically for later editions of this applet.

-- Comments and suggestions are welcome: harshec@cdware.eng.sun.com, address Eric Harshbarger

The Comix2 applet may be used freely by anyone. Neither Sun Microsystems, Inc. nor Eric C. Harshbarger is responsible for any problems resulting from the malfunction or misuse of this applet.

© Copyright 1996, Sun Microsystems, Inc.